author Alexandru Galmeanu

Alexandru Galmeanu


  • Causes and characteristics of headaches, accompanying symptoms. Diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures.
    20 September 2021
  • Osteoarthritis: what is the disease, types, causes, mechanism of development, symptoms, stages and degrees, consequences, diagnosis, treatment (drugs, physiotherapy, surgery, folk remedies), nutrition, prevention and prognosis.
    23 August 2020
  • Why is there pain in the upper quadrant behind or in front. What was the cause of pain in the region of the ribs on both sides of the front and rear.
    30 November 2018
  • Often on the street you see someone limping while wincing with every step, clearly suffering. The most common reason is the fact that he had a sore lower back and radiates to the leg.
    11 September 2018
  • Almost every second man older than 16-18-year-old regularly complains that his back is sore.
    23 August 2018
  • Back pain, of course, there are men and women. In women the cause of the pain, maybe even more, and they are sometimes not allowed to live a normal and full life.
    21 August 2018
  • We all know that bad moment when a sore lower back. This symptom is often the cause of treatment doctors. Usually patients "sin" of the patient's back, or rather, the various diseases of the spine.
    20 August 2018