Back pain radiates to the legs: causes, treatment, what to do

This problem is also known as sciatica. Many people are very careless with this issue, believing that "perhaps more and longer", in fact, is a symptom is a serious concern and immediate a visit to the doctor, if you value your health.

back pain

If you're after physical exertion or cold exposure feel back pain, which "gives" up – do not wait until the pain go away on its own, this may not happen. And if the pain will pass – it is almost guaranteed that it will appear again in the form of a relapse at every opportunity. So do not delay the solution of this problem.

Usually the pain comes on suddenly, it may appear on the other side of the waist, or two (but this happens rarely). Very soon the pain shifted to the leg, it is difficult to straighten, movement, and stress causes serious pain. Stand for sore feet is almost impossible, one begins to cherish him, trying to protect themselves from pain. All this looks not too nice leg usually is slightly flexed, is removed, so that the side or forward, the body slightly tilted.

This condition can last almost indefinitely. Periods of relief are replaced by relapses, but to get rid of the pain completely, using only "folk" remedies and recommendations the Internet is almost impossible. The simplest way to get rid of pain for some time is the "fetal position", but this is useless advice if the pain caught in a public place. At home, you can just lie on the healthy side, clasp hands and hugged her legs. It is highly recommended to take pain medications.

But this is only a temporary measure, there is still a chance to relieve the pain. If you have a sore lower back right or left, it is necessary to seek immediate medical treatment.

What is sciatica?

This concept implies pain in the lower back, if the pain to "give" one or both legs. The reason is almost always the more physical stress or hypothermia. The nature and localization of pain is not unique – the pain can be both strong and weak, sore, he may be more stressed in the lower back and legs.

Occurs in the lower back pain can vary in shape, while each of these forms has its own clinical symptoms:

  • muscular-tonic. In this case, characterized by the appearance of spasms of the lumbar muscles, a sharp restriction of mobility of the lumbar spine, curvature of the spine (kyphosis, scoliosis, etc.);
  • vegetative-vascular. In this case, parallel, burning pain, numbness, sore feet (in most cases stops. It may be colder to the touch than the healthy, it looks more pale. In this form characterized by sensations of cold or heat. Sensitivity to cold may be due to increased vascular tone. Also, when you change the position from horizontal to vertical, there is pain;

In this situation, can also be connected to all three forms of sciatica. However, it can take years of aggravation replaced by remissions, but the disease does not go away on its own. Is sciatica and a kind of "sister" - sciatica, which can also occur in such situations. It is usually manifested by pain in the buttocks or thigh that can radiate into the foot and lower leg.

The cause of the pain – radicular syndromes

With all the variety of shapes and location of the pain, the cause is almost always one – sciatica, arising from degenerative disc disease. Often this back pain is preceded by attacks of lumbago, lumbalgia and sciatica.

As mentioned above, the main cause of pain in the lumbosacral spine is a mechanical pressure on the nerve endings, resulting in a herniated disc (hernia of the spine). As a result of impaired blood supply to the affected Department, the inflammation, swelling.

If irritation of the spine, due to displacement of intervertebral disc, it can be pain of different character, dull, aching, cutting, tearing, shooting. Directly the onset of pain is usually preceded by an awkward business, damage to the back, lifting weights with a jerk, a sharp tilt or rotation of the body (especially freight), long-term operation of the awkward bent position, etc.

Usually the pain arises suddenly, first on one side of the lower back (rarely on both sides), in some cases, pain can occur in the hips or buttocks. After a short period of time (usually 5-7 days), pain in the lower back, stretches the legs, when it is a serious obstacle to straighten the limb. People begin to instinctively "protect" the injured limb, keep it from being loaded. For example, when walking, a person ceases to occur on the whole foot as a whole, the result is a limp when walking, the affected leg is almost always half-bent position, and it is retracted to the side or forward away from the main load.

The simplest way to get at the time of pain, as we have said, is the "fetal position" - lying on the healthy side, draw the belly of the limb. If the pain spread to both legs, the patient has to lie on his back, pulling both of her bent legs. To turn the stomach of people not – pain in this case will strongly increase.

Quite typical is the sharp rise of pain in any movement, whether walking, rotate the torso, or just trying to get out of bed. Even talking, coughing or sneezing can contribute to increased pain. In some cases the pain becomes so great, that prevent people to sleep. As a result a person becomes depressed, the depression can develop. That is why many people with back problems, make an appointment with a psychologist.

Often pain syndrome, caused by compression of the spinal roots, accompanied by sensitivity disorders: decrease or increase in pain sensitivity, the patient's legs may appear burning, numbness, contraction, cold, feeling crawling "pins and needles", etc.

It is also very unpleasant pain in the lumbosacral spine, radiating to the leg, almost always returns in the form of relapse. Unless, of course, to carry out the full treatment, but in this case, people should know some rules and follow certain rules. The main cause of exacerbations of colds (ARI), exposure to cold, heavy physical exertion, etc.

First aid in such a situation, almost always is an effective analgesic medicine. But this is only a temporary way to mask the pain, without the help of a doctor in this situation is not. Almost certainly the doctor will prescribe a serious treatment, which includes the appointment of the special funds, restricted activities, massage, physiotherapy, etc.