Why hurt your back muscles and how to deal with it

Almost every person has pain in the muscles of the back. It was born of the elderly and the young. His appearance may be a harmless phenomenon or show that a person develops a serious illness. Regardless of the reasons, why he appeared, the man should be mandatory to see a doctor. Timely access to specialist help relieve pain and stop the spread of the disease.


Why sore back muscles

Spin — a huge part of the human body. It covers almost all the internal organs, muscles, joints, bones. And pain should alert the person. Often caused by infection and inflammation, strain, excessive exercise. All these factors lead to the fact that the muscles in this area are expanded or reduced, the structure of the spine changes.

Back to describe very difficult. Their appearance is combined with access to the muscles of lactic acid. Because it is swelling, pain of varying intensity.

Doctors say that muscles in the back pain is divided into several types:

  • weak
  • sharp
  • severe pain.

Acute pain is usually the result of the development of the inflammatory process, infectious diseases or diseases of the internal organs.

Patients were divided into several groups pain. Pain syndrome, in their opinion, is:

  • periodically;
  • permanent;
  • single.

Cause pain the muscles of the back:

The development of diseases of the muscles: scoliosis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, rheumatism. They all lead to the fact that muscles get tired, and it causes the person discomfort. Disease discomfort seem to be a trapezoid and the length in the direction of the muscles.

The development of diseases of the internal organs. For example, pathology in the field of the genitourinary and cardiac systems, respiratory organs, stomach and liver in the shoulder blade, upper back and chest.

The spread of the inflammatory process. Often a disease that affects the muscles of the back is muscle inflammation. It begins with the penetration of infection into the organism, destroys the connective tissue and muscle. Because this person appears purulent tumors. Myositis often occurs, due to the fact that the man was sweating and draught. Often it occurs as a complication of chronic diseases, localized in the respiratory tract and lungs. In addition, he appeared in the injuries and bruises, rheumatism, intestinal worms, diseases of the central nervous system of bad heredity. The initial stage of inflammation can go on their own. However, if in the later stages it is not treated, the person can intensify the pain significantly increase the body temperature, the infection move to the other region, there will be muscle atrophy. If the person does not appear unpleasant sensations in the muscles, but their locomotor activity is impaired.

Mechanical damage and various injuries of the muscles. They usually appear in athletes after heavy physical work. Because of the excessive physical activity often, such people have holes, tears, visible inflammation of the trapezius muscle, spasms and pain in the back.

Overexertion of the body and lack of exercise. In this case, the pain a person can get, when he was in the right place and produced some action. At risk are office workers. They are always in an uncomfortable position. As a result, they often muscle pain at work.

Often sore muscles after a workout persons who are engaged in active sports. This includes citizens, often traveling on ships, and persons who travel tents and backpacks. This is due to the fact that the back muscles under a load too abrasive, resulting in mechanical damage, there is pain in the muscles. Mechanical injuries often occur in children. This is because their bones are particularly mobility and they are unable to assess his physical strength. Because of this, parents should monitor their children to leave the rupture of the ligaments.

The presence of congenital malformations. For example, a syndrome of short legs in humans, deformed spine, and there are diseases of the intestine. Painful sensations are unpleasant, and they appear from time to time, but due to the fact that pathology is developing rapidly, the pain the person is improved.

Massage or therapeutic exercises. Several patients reported that muscle pain occurs after the procedure. They can occur due to the fact that it has done wrong. For example, a person who is appointed for a relaxing Spa treatment, and it was bracing or impact. Unpleasant sensations can arise from the fact that during the procedure born with excessive muscle tension. Pain can occur when a person procedure is contraindicated, and he did it, or he didn't know what to do. The pain is often appear when the person develop a chronic illness. If those he experienced after the procedure for 1-2 hours can be a pain in the behind. The presence of low-skilled workers can lead to the onset of pain. Remember that if massage is done correctly, the pain when it happened.

The other reasons causing pain in the muscles, is the development of specific anatomical features. For example, scoliosis leads to symmetry breaking of the spine, flat feet, reduce the lower limb the development of congenital asymmetry of the pelvis.

What to do if you have sore back muscles

With the development of the disease the patient appeared pain in the muscles of the back, but the following pathology:

  • disturbed posture;
  • reduced mobility of the joints and spine. For example, one can completely straighten your back or turn to the side of the head;
  • to reduce the overall sensitivity of the skin.

Doctors say that hurt the back muscles and spine can development people the body serious diseases. Most often the development of osteoarthritis. It suffers approximately 85% of the population.

Lower back pain strikes:

  • vertebrae;
  • spacers;
  • spinal cord;
  • the trunks and roots of the spinal nerves;
  • veins and blood vessels;
  • capillaries, ligaments and muscles.

In addition, osteoarthritis develops in the background:

  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • scoliosis.

The risk of osteoarthritis, that it leads to degenerative lesions and destruction of bone tissue, intervertebral discs and articular cartilage.

The reasons for the development of osteoarthritis as follows:

  • heredity;
  • eating the wrong foods;
  • weight;
  • injuries might in the future lead to the development of serious diseases.
  • roots, soft tissue and muscles, blood vessels;
  • lack of exercise;
  • excessive strain on the organism of the physical work;
  • often stress.

The pain occurs on the left and on the right lower part of the blade showing the development of the hernia and nonalgia. Many patients resigned to become weak, dull, recurrent pain in the back, and they think it's normal. But it is wrong. It is important to consult a specialist and to identify the cause of the pain.

Most often in the back area appear in a clearly marked location. It can be:

  • Pain in the trapezius muscle. It is the most vulnerable, because its fibers are involved in the shoulders, and to control their movement. Usually hurts the most, and the latissimus dorsi workers of art and the dancers, who often it is too much work. In addition to the pain in the muscle may be due to emotional problems.
  • Pain in the trapezius muscle occur even after removal of the source of the disease and are accompanied by headache. This pain is characterized by the following symptoms: people can't move my head, the pain spreading to the shoulder girdle and cervical spine. They are unpleasant, permanent, and often can give in the shoulder Department.
  • The emergence of unpleasant sensations in the large diamond-shaped muscle of the back. When the pain a person is not able to actively move the neck and shoulders. Pain in this area can be attributed to the fact that people don't properly lift heavy objects. This is due to the offset arrangement of the speed and development of the people reduced.
  • If there is pain in the muscles of the back to the left, it will tell you that the development of osteochondrosis. When they person is often dizziness, visual disturbances, there are unpleasant sensations in the upper limbs.
  • If the sore muscles of the back along the spine, it speaks to the development of hernias and scoliosis. Painful sensations occur because nerve roots subjected to pressure and part of the spinal cord to change the usual position.
  • The appearance of cervical degenerative disc disease is characterized by pressure in the veins and arteries of the pain attacks. It's back and throbbing. It is localized in the neck or one side of the head. There are symptoms of oxygen starvation: dizziness, nausea, migraine appears, drops dramatically vision, decreased sensitivity of the upper limbs and shoulder girdle arises, shortness of breath, decreased activity of the cervical spine. If a person is in adulthood, he may suddenly lose consciousness, and if the disease has become chronic, then there is paresis and paralysis of the upper extremities.
  • The emergence of thoracic osteochondrosis is characterized by the appearance of acute pain lumbago, which is gradually increasing. It is localized in the region between the ribs, the shoulders and the upper abdomen. The patient's cough, a lump in my throat, difficulty during the Commission of swallowing activity. When bending, raising of the upper limb — increased pressure and pain appear in the heart.
  • Appearance of lumbar spine degenerative disc disease is characterized by the formation and pain in the lumbar spine. Flash it lumbago. Sore muscles in the pelvic area and legs. At the same time gives to the groin and pelvis. If the vertebrae are fused, it can become smaller or even the abyss. Thus the patient will experience numbness of the skin, paresis and paralysis of the upper extremities. Men have problems in the bathroom. Women have disturbed menstrual cycle.
  • The appearance of the back muscles on the right shows the development of: degenerative disc disease, sciatica, scoliosis, tuberculosis and injuries of the spine, inflammation of the muscles. If the patient has pain in the back muscles on the right side, it may indicate that your body to develop diseases that interfere with the structure of the internal organs. It will tell development: appendicitis, peritonitis, pyelonephritis, pancreatitis, necrotizing pancreatitis, duodenal ulcer, the occurrence of kidney stones, gall bladder inflammation, heart attack, stroke, pneumonia. If the discomfort comes to a woman, it speaks about the development of their adnexitis, endometritis, fibroids and cysts.

Diagnosis of the disease

Muscle back pain treatment is the surgeon, the neuropathologist, the therapist, who will perform an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. At first, they examine the patient and ask about his complaints.

Additional diagnostic techniques, which are used to identify the person of the symptoms of the disease are:

  • X-ray to determine the disease localized in the bone.
  • MRI — evaluate the affected area of muscles.
  • Puncture — to find parasites in lesions.
  • Using the ECG to assess the cardiovascular system.

The patient must take a blood test and urine. They can be used to determine the development of the inflammatory process in the body.


The treatment of pain in the muscles of the back may be the following method. They are all aimed at removing the cause of pain:

  • To relieve acute pain in the problem area of the patient administered creams and gels with anesthetic. In this case, the appropriate cream, that contains sweet peppers. In addition, you can use creams that contain snake venom.
  • From myositis, you need to use a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, the doctor can prescribe remedies based on corticosteroids. Remember that these should be used in the course and only in accordance with the treating physician.
  • From herniated discs is used muscle relaxants, which are able to quickly eliminate muscle spasms.
  • Parasites you can take the drug treatments.
  • Purulent myositis, the patient is prescribed antibiotics.


In order to avoid back pain, the patient is required to perform the following simple steps:

  • Keep the correct posture while walking and while sitting in a chair. In order to save him, you must stand close to the wall and curl up his neck and high heels. This position should remember and keep in our everyday life.
  • If you want to stay for a long time, doctors suggest every 10 minutes to change position, shift your weight from one foot to the other.
  • In those cases, when you have to sit for a long time — you want to relieve muscle fatigue. For this you need to bend your back, stretch your arms up, forward and to take a deep breath. Further, it should be up on your toes, raise your hands up and have good stretch to them. Such movements must be done several times a day.
  • It is recommended to hang a long bar.
  • To ensure that the person eats. Avoid fatty food. It is better to consume foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
  • Dress for the weather and avoid drafts and hypothermia.
  • Every day physical exercise.
  • Don't lie too long in bed. Shorter rest periods to eliminate the likelihood of muscle atrophy.