The causes of back pain under the ribs: causes, treatment

The ache to return, to everywhere.Back pain under the ribs is the most difficult to diagnose pain. It seems that nothing is easier to view the anatomical reference and equated to the "geographical" position, the organ and localized pain. However, the situation is difficult here:

back pain below the ribs

Some diseases have similar clinical picture. The pain often is not concentrated in one place, and can capture a fairly wide area, and even move through the body

Why pain in back under ribs

Although seemingly similar symptoms, each illness has its own characteristic features, which can help you diagnose it.

Traditionally, these diseases can be divided into several groups:

  • Pathology of the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT)
  • Diseases of the respiratory system
  • Myocardial infarction gastralgia type
  • Internal injuries
  • Diseases of the spleen
  • Renal colic
  • Pathology film
  • The hematoma and the formation of the gastro-intestinal tract and retroperitoneal space
  • Intercostal neuralgia
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Neurological autonomic disorders

Back pain left side below ribs


In the chronic form, pain under the left rib moderate intensity, radiating to the back and under the left shoulder blade. Often the surrounding characters, the dividend yield and the right, in front and behind. Appears when the intake of fatty, sugary foods

Acute pain is sudden and sharp, not to change, to change the position, when breathing or coughing. Accompanied by nausea and relieve vomiting. Acute pancreatitis is the increased toxicity, cyanosis of the skin, traces of petechial hemorrhages in the polar region and the sides of the

Pancreatic cancer

The pain of the same nature of the pain syndrome in chronic pancreatitis, but not with food. Cancer of the body and tail of the gland occurs in the pain attack on the left subcont / area, high-intensity output back

Myocardial infarction gastralgia forms

A particularly rare form, which affects the lower part of the left ventricle. The pain at first, back under the heart and reminiscent of an attack of gastritis nausea, hiccups, intestinal disorders. It is very difficult to diagnose. Then when taking pain drugs pain attack is becoming typical of myocardial infarction: localization of painful pressing pain behind the breastbone return to the left shoulder blade, collarbone, neck, arms and fingertips

back pain under ribs symptoms

Disease of the spleen

Often the spleen more the fault of the following diseases:

  • Hemolytic anemia
  • Leukemia and lymphoma
  • Lymphoma
  • Hypertension diseases of the liver
  • Infectious mononucleosis
  • Endocarditis, lupus erythematosus, etc.


  • Dull pain under left rib
  • The veins of the esophagus and subcutaneous venous blood vessels dilate
  • Simultaneously developed liver failure

Back pain right side under ribs

Liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis, edema, steatosis, congestion)

  • Cause a dull pulling pain under the ribs (it will not hurt the liver and its capsule)
  • Blood test shows liver failure
  • Occur blood circulation disorders
  • Can be jaundice

Acute cholecystitis

  • Sharp pain under the right costal margin, dans right shoulder blade, just above the collarbone and neck
  • Nausea, accompanied by vomiting, fever,
  • Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (optional feature)

A gallstone disease:

  • Bouts of excruciatingly sharp pain below the right ribs, recoil back
  • Vomiting is absent, in contrast to cholecystitis,
  • When the stone in the bile duct, the pain subsides immediately

Chronic cholecystitis

  • The pain is mild, occurs after ingestion of fatty fried spicy foods
  • Retching and vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth

Pancreatitis head of pancreas cancer

Have similar symptoms, reminiscent of dyskinesia of the biliary tract:

  • They give pain in the right upper quadrant
  • May be accompanied by jaundice

The pain symptoms under the ribs in the middle of the

Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

  • Give pain pugio your type-ahead the middle part of the hypochondrium and space, which can be given back. The peculiarity of these pains: they increase on an empty stomach, after a meal, and also after stress
  • The patient is in a forced position in which the pain syndrome is mitigated somewhat
  • It is noted in the stool presence of blood (the stool may be tarry black appearance)
  • The pain, when the perforation is accompanied by deterioration of general condition, because in the beginning of peritonitis: nausea, vomiting, fever

Stomach cancer

  • Give pain attacks, that usually occurs in the late stage, when the tumor penetrates the wall of the stomach and put pressure on adjacent organs
  • The disease accompanied by weakness, weight loss
  • Change in taste preferences (for example, you can get an aversion to meat)

Pathology film

  • Subphrenic abscess most often occurs after trauma to the abdomen or after surgery
  • Is extreme pain during inhalation of the front under the ribs (in the middle), which radiates to the shoulder blade and the area above the clavicle
  • The patient may be lying down on your side or semi-sitting
  • Fever and severe intoxication

The pain below the ribs a different localization

On the right side pneumonia

  • Pain under the ribs that occurs during inspiration and coughing without a clear localization, and is associated with high fever
  • Possible irradiation of the attack the abdomen with simulated appendicitis
  • When driving there is shortness of breath
  • The Nasolabial triangle with a bluish color
back pain under ribs causes

Dry pleurisy

  • Occur lung diseases (tuberculosis, lung cancer)
  • Pain in the left and right under the ribs, worse, not only for breathing, but regular movement, radiating to the back
  • Is accompanied by shortness of breath and peripheral cyanosis

Internal injuries

Often ruptures the spleen or liver, due to mechanical damage (crash, fall from height) or pathological processes (leukemia, cirrhosis of the liver), breaking the internal structure.


  • Severe pain under the left ribs (splenic trauma) or right (liver), increased because of accumulated under the capsule of the blood the horizontal position
  • Because of the severe blood loss, the pulse quickens, the blood pressure drops, pale skin
Injury, their secret: the victim can feel comfortable and even walk, and his condition worsens, and he may die. Especially often it happens in those cases when the first damaged liver parenchyma, and then after some time there is a rupture of the capsule and bleeding in the abdominal cavity

Renal colic (kidney stone disease)

  • Pain attacks the back under the ribs, painful, dans groin, the pelvis, the abdomen
  • Due to the progression of concrements in the ureter moves from the rib area of the back of the lower lumbar spine, and then the ilio-sacralis area
  • Pain attack is a treatable antispasmodics and warm treatments
  • Surgical treatment is appropriate when there is: Obstruction (blockage) of the ureter or hydronephrosis of the kidney

Retroperitoneal hematoma

  • Formed mainly as a result of damage to the renal, adrenal and retroperitoneal division 12 duodenal ulcer
  • Accompanied by pain subcont / area of the back and a large blood loss:
    • the patient may suddenly fall to HELL
    • the blood reduced hemoglobin
    • the increasing pallor and weakness

Intercostal neuralgia

  • Burning, poignant (and sometimes stupid) paroxysmal pain on the left or on the right under the ribs, that appear when you breathe
  • Given the wide: under the shoulder blade, lower back, heart


  • compression of the intercostal nerves
  • increased tone and extensor of the shoulder the shoulder blade muscles
Provoke intercostal neuralgia following diseases: osteochondrosis, overcooling, awkward postures, stress


  • In the chronic form, manifests itself in the form of constant aching pain in the back back under the ribs
  • The feature of pain is its distribution in the area of innervation of the affected nerve in the lumbar region behind the surface-buttocks, thighs and drumsticks
  • During exacerbation of pain syndrome takes on the character of lumbago technologies, which are due to movement, tilt or rotation of the torso. The patient is forced to stand in one position

Neurological autonomic disorders

Pain occurs unexpected and is not justified for objective reasons. The investigation did not reveal serious abnormalities in addition to dystonia, these symptoms:

  • spasmodic pressure
  • symptoms of respiratory insufficiency
  • shortness of breath, palpitations, angina pectoris
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • insomnia and irritability
  • Happen everywhere: on the left, then right, then in the middle of the upper quadrant

Pain under the ribs on the back can cause many diseases, even the most unexpected.