Pain in the coccyx or the coccyx - causes, features, treatment methods

The coccyx is called the lower spine formed by the underdeveloped 4-5 fused vertebrae. When these vertebrae supports her human ancestors, and now the tailbone is vestigial, useless to the body. However, this relic of the injuries and different diseases can cause a person serious pain and discomfort: you can't properly sit and walk, even sleep, it is difficult to find a comfortable position.

Often the patient is not even able to determine the exact localization of pain and complains to the doctor pain in the tailbone (this pain is called the anus). Pain in the coccyx is actually called coccyalgia.

back pain tailbone

Experts must decide whether the pain in diseases and injuries of the coccyx itself, or the pain becomes other organs (intestines, pelvis, urinary organs) and simply "give" the tailbone. The solution to this question depends on the treatment.

Causes of pain in the coccyx

  • As a result of the injury.
  • Diseases of the spine, affecting the tailbone (lower back pain, displacement of the intervertebral discs pinching the nerve endings, etc.).
  • Diseases of the muscles and nerves of the pelvic floor.
  • Pathological processes in the pelvis.
  • Disease straight or sigmoid colon (hemorrhoids, sigmoid, proctitis, rectal fissure).
  • Omission of the perineum (for example, because of the difficult birth).
  • Trauma of the perineum during childbirth (bleeding in the subcutaneous tissue around the coccyx).
  • Excessive extension of the coccyx difficult births.
  • Cicatricial deformities of the anus, arising as a complication of surgery.
  • Disorders of the intestine, often leading to constipation or diarrhea, and, therefore, the habit of sitting for long periods on the toilet.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, adnexitis, etc.).
  • Cyst of the coccyx.
  • The habit of constantly sitting on upholstered furniture.
  • The emotional turmoil and stress.
  • Tight clothing (jeans), putting pressure on the coccyx.
  • Idiopathic pain (pain of unknown origin). Such pain can suddenly and unexpectedly disappear. About 1/3 of all the pain in the coccyx refers to idiopathic.

Characteristics of pain in the coccyx in different diseases

Pain after injury

Trauma often causes severe, sharp, acute pain in the coccyx. Injuries and the coccyx (fractured, fractures, bruises, dislocation, displacement) can happen after a bad fall or blow to the buttock. Pain after injury can be in the nature of attacks, or be constant. When walking and sitting position it increases. Localization of various post-traumatic pain in the coccyx, or near it (above, below, side).

Usually the pain in the coccyx occur immediately after the injury. But in some cases it can be slightly expressed and quickly passing, and a few years later, when the patient forget the injury, suddenly intense, burning pain.

Pain in the coccyx, coupled with the pain in the low back, sacrum

Osteochondrosis, a cyst of the spine in the lumbar or sacral distribution is characterized by a combination of pain in the coccyx back pain in the sacrum. However, the main complaints of the patient pain in the back, and along the way – that the pain of "giving" the tailbone.

The same clinical picture has been observed, that pinching the nerve endings in the lumbar and sacral parts of the spine. Compression of the sciatic nerve (sciatica) is accompanied by a burning, sharp pain in the tailbone or above it.

Lumbar and sacral pains accompanied by pain in the coccyx also hemorrhoids, diseases of the rectum.

Pain in the coccyx when you stand up

Such pain is rare, that the injuries of the coccyx. Most often they are related to the surgery scars on the perineum, or adhesions in the pelvic cavity, forming after surgery.

Pain in the coccyx, when tilted to the

Pain when bending are usually the result of chronic inflammatory processes in the organs located near the coccyx (in the intestine or the bladder, the uterus and its appendages).

Pain in the coccyx, when tilting occurs when the patient has the following diseases:

  • dysbiosis;
  • colitis;
  • sigmoid;
  • cystitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • the uterine mucous membrane, etc.

Pain radiating to coccyx

As already mentioned, pain radiating to tailbone, a feature of osteoarthritis, cysts of the spine, as well as hemorrhoids, inflammation in the hip joints, diseases of the rectum, etc. Such pain can also be caused by postoperative scarring.

Pain in the coccyx when sitting

back pain tailbone in women

The reason for such pain is the habit of constantly sitting on upholstered furniture. The Tailbone is in the wrong position. The vessels, which supply it with blood, is stagnation. This leads to the deposition of salts vertebrae, forming the coccyx, and the occurrence of pain.

Pain in the coccyx, while sitting complain of athletes – cyclists and people engaged in horse riding. They are the causes of pain other: micro trauma of the coccyx, occurs when you engage in these particular activities.

Pain in the coccyx, when sitting it is possible, for women after childbirth, when there was a deformation (excessive flattening his intervertebral joints).

Finally, pain in the coccyx, aggravated when sitting, a typical dermoid cyst of the coccyx. Dermoid cyst is a congenital malformation, which consists of the formation below the coccyx cavity, filled with tissue growth of hair.

Aching and drawing pain in the coccyx

Aching pain in the coccyx can occur if the inflammation of internal genital organs (prostate inflammation or benign prostatic hyperplasia in men with inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes in women).

Gnawing pain in the coccyx is the other symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar or sacral spine. Sometimes it happens, when hemorrhoids and also the long sitting on the toilet often due to constipation.

Pain in the coccyx

The pain of this kind occur when prolapse of the perineum, the presence of scars in the anus, diseases of the rectum. Characterized by pain below coccyx and trauma (fracture, contusion, subluxation' tailbone), which happened a few years ago.

Pain just above tailbone

Pain localized to above the coccyx, feature neuralgiasta' (inflammation of the nerves from the lumbar or sacral spine).

Pain in the coccyx during menstruation

Such pain can follow many gynecological and neurological diseases. It may be justified to initiate the review of the advice of a gynecologist and only leave gynecological diseases, to consult a neurologist.

Pain in the tailbone during pregnancy and after childbirth

Pregnant women often have pain in the coccyx. Pain in the tailbone during pregnancy may be different reasons:

  • Trauma to the tailbone, which happened a few years ago, and which is not recovered.
  • Lack of calcium in the skeletal system.
  • Inflammatory diseases of internal genital organs.
  • Physiological changes in the body: when preparing for childbirth, the pelvic organs change their normal position. The fetus grows, the uterus grows, moving bodies close. Tailbone, when reclines. And because of the coccyx vertebrae are fused to each other, such a deviation is very painful.

Pain in the coccyx after birth, say the experienced gynecologist, what happens to birth trauma: difficult birth caused bleeding in the soft tissues around the coccyx, or what happened to his excessive straightening (which is possible, when large amounts of fruit).

Pain in the coccyx in men

In men, pain in the coccyx may be due to the so-called "pellentesque disease." This disease occurs often ride the unsprung traffic (crawler, army, tanks, armored personnel carriers). The load on the coccyx when riding on such equipment is excessive. It can cause inflammation of the sinus pilonidal or cyst of the coccyx. This transfer or cyst, is a hollow tube, which runs under the skin from the end of the coccyx and ends blindly.

Inflammation of the sinus pilonidal and is called "pellentesque disease." If the inflammation passes through a purulent phase, often forming a fistula – pus to get out. Treatment - only surgical.

back pain tailbone pregnancy

How to deal with pain in the coccyx

Preliminary research

Effective treatment of pain in the coccyx, it is important to determine its cause. Patients with such pain should appeal primarily to the proctologist. This expert if necessary, move the patient (patient), gynecologist, neurologist, surgeon, osteopath. Sometimes you need the help of a therapist.

Each of these doctors will not only examine the patient, but also very detailed question him. The patient should be prepared to speak in detail of the nature of pain, its localization, reminiscent of the past trauma and history of surgery.

Some patients with pain in the coccyx, the exact diagnosis can be established. Then apply symptomatic treatment, and in most cases, it will lead to good results. Sometimes the pain in the coccyx go away on its own, without treatment. But I hope is not necessary - if you experience such pain, you need to see a doctor.

The most important part of the treatment

In most cases, pain in the coccyx is treated conservatively (i.e. without surgery). Comprehensive care involves providing patients with rest, pain medication, restore impaired blood circulation through massage, chiropractic, physiotherapy, exercise, physical therapy.

All identified primary disease of mandatory treatment.

Remove or weaken negative emotions apply (after advice) neuropsychotropic drugs.

No help can be given to doctors only when pain in the coccyx during pregnancy. Anti-inflammatory and pain medicine is contraindicated to pregnant. Radiological diagnosis is also excluded. Therefore, women have to endure the pain in the coccyx, enclosing it under a soft pillow or inflatable rubber circle in the shape of a donut (sold in pharmacies).

Sit in this circle, it is recommended not only for pregnant women, but for all patients with pain of such localization. This simple device removes the burden and pressure on the coccyx while sitting, thus reducing pain.

Chiropractic, massage, acupuncture

Pain in the coccyx greatly facilitated by the use of fingers to massage the muscles of the rectum and massage the muscles of the pelvic floor (if there is a spasm).

Manual therapy techniques performed by an experienced specialist, to improve the blood circulation of the coccyx, to remove blood stasis, relieve muscle spasm and helps restore the range of motion of the coccyx.

Acupuncture (acupuncture) is often used for pain in the coccyx, to significantly reduce their intensity. The right choice of biologically active points of acupuncture to completely eliminate the pain.


Methods of physiotherapy for pain in the coccyx applied:

  • ultrasound therapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • UHF;
  • electrical therapy (electrodes inserted into the rectum);
  • diadynamic currents;
  • darsonval;
  • with the application of paraffin;
  • therapeutic mud;
  • also ozokerite.


Exercise, do exercises in the morning, that a person with pain in the coccyx is not only possible, but necessary. Subject to certain restrictions: the exercise is running, jumping, brisk walking, sudden inprobus movement, straining.

Exercises for pain in the coccyx should include the following exercises:

  1. Lying back on the floor, bend your knees and lift them to the side. Put your palms on the inner side of the knee. Try to join knees, hands at the same time to resist this movement.Number of repeat 8-12 times short (10-15 seconds).
  2. In the same position, squeeze the knees, the ball (football, volleyball or another of the same size). The palms of your hands put on the belly. The force of gripping the knees of the ball for 5-7 seconds, when the palms to prevent protrusion of the abdomen.The number of repetitions 6-8 times with the same intervals of rest, as in the first exercise.
  3. Lying on the back, holding the ball between the legs straighten the leg. The force of gripping the ball stops in 5-7 seconds. The number of repetitions 6-8 times, at intervals of 10-15 seconds.
  4. Lie on your back, raise your hand bent at the knees and lift your hips 3-5 seconds. The gluteal muscles need to be tired. The number of repetitions 6-8 times, at intervals of 10-15 seconds.

All exercises pain in the coccyx, the patient needs to run slowly, steadily, rhythmically, resting between repetitions of the exercise. You can take a relaxing music. Increase efficiency it is recommended to do a set of exercises twice a day.

Folk remedies

back pain coccyx treatment

Pain in the coccyx traditional medicine use the following tools:

  • The impact of magnet: ring magnet moves in the coccyx in a circle, clockwise for 15-20 minutes 2-3 times a day.
  • Compress with tincture of Valerian: a piece of cotton cloth, moisten the pharmacy tincture of Valerian, to put to the sore spot. Cover it with a piece of plastic, so all the warm layer (wool, scarf, etc.). Fix the packing tape and leave overnight.
  • Fir oil rubbed coccyx 3 times a day. Helps to relieve inflammation and reduce pain.
  • Lubricate iodine: in the evening, before bed, pre-heated the coccyx to lubricate the tincture of iodine and warm scarf. Repeat not more often than 2-3 times a week. Duration of treatment – 1.5-2 months.
  • Compresses made of blue clay: add 500 gr. clay with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, mix well. Before going to bed apply a layer of this mixture on the affected area, cover with polythene, to warm (like any pack) and leave for the night.
  • Rubbing radish juice: mix 300 ml of fresh radish juice, 100 ml of ethanol and 200 ml of honey. Rubbed the affected area 3 times a day. Store mixture in the refrigerator in a glass jar with the lid tightly closed.
  • Ointment with mummy (broken tailbone): 1/2 oz. Shilajit is mixed with such a quantity of rose oil in to get the cream consistency of thick cream. Rubbed the coccyx 2 times a day.